Team Simply
South Africa

Team Simply

Editorial team @ Simply Financial Services

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Simply is a disruptive digital life company. We are on a mission to secure the financial futures of millions of people. We offer life, disability and funeral insurance that meets people’s needs in a way they understand and at a price they can afford.

It’s a hard reality in South Africa, and many other emerging economies, that when a breadwinner dies, his or her dependents are often consigned to poverty. Recognizing the dire need for easy-to-understand, affordable life insurance for the mass market – in South Africa and elsewhere – Simply was founded by three partners who had all reached crossroads in their careers and wanted to use what they had learned to do something positive and meaningful.

Simply was founded in 2015 by three partners: Anthony Miller, an engineer with an MBA and a successful track record as an entrepreneur; Simon Nicholson, an actuary with extensive life insurance experience in South Africa, Asia and Europe; and Shaun Dippnall, an actuary who had left the world of life insurance to start up an education technology business.

2 minute read · 08 September 2023
Originally published at

Those who run SMEs employ individuals who also have families, work long hours, and have their own commitments and interests. They are the team that enables business managers to run SMEs, freelance, and care for their children. Managers and employees work together, so it is crucial that we treat each other well.

2 minute read · 24 August 2023
Originally published at

What is life insurance and why is it important? Life insurance plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial well-being of those who depend on your income to meet their basic needs.

2 minute read · 20 August 2023
Originally published at

“Our character is often most evident in our highs and lows. Be humble at the mountaintops, be strong in the valley, and be faithful in between”